Tugger University
Education for Everyone

Discover Your Potential


Earn Money

Earn easy money quick! Make money from each student you bring into the program. Earn a percentage of their lifetime earnings. Up to 2% returns per day.


Inspire Students

Inspire the next generation of Tuggers across the world.


Live The Rockstar Lifestyle

By being an instructor at Tugger University, you get to live a bad ass life.

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Become a Teacher

How to Become an

You must complete 75 Hard Tugs before completing our program.


To become an instructor, demonstrate your proficiency in the art of Tugging, share your unique insights, and showcase a dedication to ethical and responsible practices. Whether you’re an experienced Tugger or a seasoned professional in a related field, we welcome those with a genuine desire to guide and inspire the next generation.

At Tugger University, we pride ourselves on maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct. Our instructors play a pivotal role in shaping the learning environment, and to ensure the integrity of our institution, we’ve established a set of rules that every instructor must adhere to.

  1. Focus on Tugging Mastery: Instructors at Tugger University are committed to the art of Tugging and the transformative journey it entails. Engaging in Tugging or any other unrelated activities on the side is strictly prohibited during the tenure as an instructor.

  2. Zero Tolerance for Side Ventures: To preserve the sanctity of our educational platform, instructors are explicitly prohibited from participating in Watch Dealing or any other external ventures while actively teaching at Tugger University. Our focus is unwaveringly on Tugging education and fostering a positive learning environment.

  3. Lead by Example: Instructors serve as role models for our students. By upholding the highest standards of integrity, instructors contribute to a culture of trust and respect within the Tugger University community.

  4. Commitment to Professional Growth: Instructors are encouraged to continually enhance their knowledge and skills within the field of Tugging. This commitment to professional growth ensures that our instructors remain at the forefront of Tugging practices, providing students with the best possible learning experience.

Each instructor will have to complete our entire program as well as complete 75 Hard Tugs before earning the certification to be a Tug Instructor.
