Tugger University

Who is Liz Guilliams?

Liz Guilliams may not have been the face of The Timepiece Gentleman, but her presence in the background was felt, especially as questions started to arise about her role and involvement. Girlfriend to Darby McVay, Anthony Farrer’s right-hand videographer, Liz found herself in the midst of a luxury watch-dealing empire. However, her contributions to the business and the lavish lifestyle she enjoyed alongside Darby have raised eyebrows.

The Box Packer Role in Question

Evidence of Liz working as a box packer.

At The Timepiece Gentleman, Liz’s official job title was Box Packer. She was responsible for packing up the luxury watches to be mailed to customers—a seemingly straightforward and hands-on role. However, viewers of the YouTube series chronicling the business began to notice something curious. Despite her job description, Liz was rarely seen packing boxes or actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the business. This discrepancy left many questioning whether she was actually working enough to merit the salary and the benefits she received.

The benefits Liz and Darby enjoyed were undeniably substantial. Not only were they both on Anthony Farrer’s payroll, but they also lived in a $20,000-a-month beachfront home in Santa Monica, with Anthony covering the cost. On top of that, Darby was given a Corvette. For someone who was rarely seen doing much on screen, it baffled viewers why Liz was paid so handsomely for what appeared to be minimal work. Despite these financial benefits Liz received, her net worth is estimated to be $0.

The Unspoken Involvement

What deepens the intrigue surrounding Liz is how little she and Darby have spoken about their time working for Farrer, particularly after the watch dealer admitted he was $5 million in debt. When Anthony Farrer’s empire began to collapse, Darby made a now-deleted video claiming that he and Liz had no idea about the financial troubles. But they both quickly retreated from the public eye after this, and since then, neither has offered much insight into what really happened during their time with Farrer.

This silence has only cast more doubt on whether they were truly unaware of the financial mismanagement happening around them. Could Liz and Darby really have been in the dark about Farrer’s Ponzi-like scheme, or were they simply distancing themselves to avoid being tainted by the scandal? The lack of transparency fuels ongoing skepticism about how deep their involvement really was.

A Side Hustle in SMP

In the midst of the chaotic watch-dealing business, Liz also decided to explore a side hustle—learning Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP), a cosmetic procedure that creates the illusion of fuller hair. However, this new venture wasn’t featured much in the videos, leaving viewers with little insight into how seriously she pursued it. Was it a genuine attempt to branch out, or just another venture that fizzled out without much success?

The Aftermath: A Life of Uncertainty

After their watch-dealing attempt failed, Liz and Darby found a new partner who owns medical clinics, and they now manage one of his clinics in the Las Vegas area. Their transition into the medical field is a far cry from their days in the luxury watch world, but it marks a significant shift in their lives. Despite this new chapter, questions remain about their past, particularly the extent of their involvement—or lack thereof—in the Anthony Farrer saga.

Final Thoughts

Liz Guilliams remains a figure shrouded in mystery. Her role at The Timepiece Gentleman was never fully clear, and the benefits she received seemed disproportionate to her contributions. Her silence, along with Darby’s, on the Anthony Farrer scandal has only added to the intrigue. Whether they were simply bystanders or more involved than they let on, the unanswered questions surrounding Liz and her time with The Timepiece Gentleman continue to cast a shadow over her story.